The Young U Philosophy


We believe that the key to changing the world is through the hearts of the children. At The Young U Montessori School we are dedicated to providing our students with a high quality educational program and the support they need in order for them to thrive.

Our vision is to lead our students to imagine, discover, think and reflect on what they have learned. Our school is committed to building and fostering a community of life-long learners using proven Montessori methodology. All of the programs in our school are designed to serve and support children to work, play and grow within an atmosphere of profound kindness, compassion, and respect.

We assist in the creation of dynamic, self-disciplined, and absorbent minds. It is our mission at The Young U Montessori School to encourage enthusiasm for excellence, so that the human spirit and imagination is awakened. Our environment aides in the development of intellect while providing comfort and safety.

In our classrooms, teachers facilitate the learning experience instead of enforcing it. They act as guides and allow children to self-direct themselves towards planned activities. These settings allow the children to develop self-discipline by choosing which tasks and activities to take part in. These activities are loosely guided by their caretakers to see them through completion at their own pace.

Dr. Maria Montessori's education methods are guided by her belief that children learn best through direct experiences of investigation and discovery. The Young U Montessori School provides the foundation for children to be inspired and use their sense of imagination.